Museum education for schools

Skólahópur í Ásmundarsafni

The Reykjavík Art Museum offers students at all school levels free museum education about all of the exhibitions in its three museum locations.

The Reykjavík Art Museum’s educators welcome groups on weekdays between 08:30–16:30. The maximum number of students allowed in a group is 25. The duration of educational visits is about the same as one lesson, but the length can be adjusted according to the needs of the group. The museum educator encourages students to participate in discussions where everyone gets an opportunity to express their own experiences and listen to others. Art is presented as a means to communicate and explore the world around us. We welcome all school groups who want to come to the museum with or without the guidance of a museum educator. Groups are also welcomed for guided tours of the artwork. We ask all groups to notify us of their arrival in advance through the booking system.


Museum education for kindergartens is focused on the school’s older children, who are often coming to a museum for the first time. We especially recommend a visit to Ásmundarsafn, which is an impressive building with a good outdoor area in the surrounding sculpture park. Ásmundur Sveinsson’s artwork is accessible and often contains references to various stories that appeal to young children. Kjarval’s works are always accessible at Kjarvalsstaðir and Erró’s works at Hafnarhús. There are also various temporary exhibitions in the museums that may appeal to preschool children and fit in with projects being conducted in the kindergarten.

Elementary schools

The Reykjavík Art Museum's exhibitions are an exciting learning platform for elementary school children both in school and in their free time to learn to enjoy visual art and connect everyday life with subjects at school. Elementary schools in Reykjavík are offered free bus trips in their 4th grade to Ásmundarsafn, 6th grade to Kjarvalsstaðir and 8th grade and selected groups to Hafnarhús.

Secondary schools

Secondary school groups are welcome to visit free of charge, and museum educators meet them on their own terms in a lively conversation about art and life. The subject matter of the artists varies, and the works that are created are often relevant to current issues. Politics, environmental issues, warfare, climate change, religion, gender identity or other elements related to social issues, everyday life and contemporary issues can be discussed from the perspective of art. Admission to public exhibitions and events in the museum is free for 18-year-olds and younger.


University groups are welcome to visit with a teacher free of charge, and museum educators meet them in a lively professional conversation about art and life. It is also ideal to organise academic trips for students to the museum’s exhibitions. Individual students get a discount on tickets and an annual pass is available at good prices for 28-year-olds and younger to visit all exhibitions and events.

Educational material