Martha Schw­artz: I Hate nature / "Alum­inati"

Martha Schwartz: I Hate nature / "Aluminati"

Martha Schwartz: I Hate nature / "Aluminati"



Martha Schwartz is one of the world’s best-known living landscape architects. Her installation in the courtyard at Kjarvalsstaðir alludes both to the artist’s experience of nature as explored in the exhibition Dreams of the Sublime and Nowhere and to the debate over environmental protection versus exploitation. Martha Schwartz has created myriad works in urban settings, continually blazing new trails to discover and harness new possibilities offered by landscape.

Schwartz is a visual artist as well as a landscape architect and in her work she seeks to honor both art forms equally.

Ingibjorg Kristjansdottir, Landscape Architect, and Olafur Olafsson

The Association of Icelandic Landscape Architects

Kaupþing Bank

The installation is commissioned in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Association of Icelandic Landscape Architects

Design assistance and construction:
Allison Dailey
Svidsmyndir ehf Scenic Studios
Skapa & Skerpa architecture
Almenna Consulting Engineers
Martha Schwartz Partners.

Images of exhibition
