Magnús Sigurð­ar­son: Process & Pretense

Magnús Sigurðarson: Process & Pretense


This is Magnús Sigurðarson (b. 1966) first one-person exhibition in Iceland for many years, having lived in Miami, USA for over a decade. The artist says that he has made the analysis of the obvious his subject; he halts when the everyday presents him with a moment of such banality that it requires further investigation.

His works thus have existential overtones, addressing the theme of the human being in his/her solitude, and the constant quest for means of expression and understanding between people. Magnús is best known for photographic series, video art and installations in which he references familiar features of pop culture, the media and general knowledge. In his exhibition at Hafnarhús he addresses the universal human desire for higher things, which may lie hidden anywhere you go. Curator: Markús Þór Andrésson. 


Artist’s talk,Saturday 23 May 3 p.m.

Performance and book launch,  Saturday 23 July 8 p.m..
