Looking further - Thinking through

Looking further - Thinking through

Looking further - Thinking through



Exhibition of seven artists from Barcelona chosen by David G. Torres curator. The exhibition is done in cooperation with Antic Hospital Santa Creu - Sala Exposicions La Capella in Barcelona.

Barcelona City Council works through its centre La Virreina Exposicions to meet its goal of offering in the exhibition rooms of La Capella a broad and representative panorama of the work of young artists and of the latest emerging art in the city.

Our work is also informed by our belief that in order to arrive at a full understanding of local artistic output, there is a need to establish points of reference with other realities and to learn about other cultural environments.

In consequence, an exchange project with artists from the city of Reykjavik was put on at La Capella, with work by five young Icelanders representing their creative panorama.

Now it is the turn of the Barcelona artists to present their work in the city of Reykjavik, making a journey that will complete the circle of the initiative. Ignasi Aballí, Martí Anson, Daniel Chust Peters, Carles Congost, Mabel Palací, Antonio Ortega and Tere Recarens will now have the opportunity to see how their work is viewed by Icelanders.

The enthusiasm and willingness of all the people and institutions, in particular the artists and curators, involved in this venture have made this experience one of the finest tools for enriching Barcelona’s relations with cultural realities elsewhere in the world.

Ferran Mascarell
Chair of the Culture, Education and Social Welfare Committee
Barcelona City Council.

Images of exhibition