Icelandic Design 2009 - furnit­ure, product design and architecture

Icelandic Design 2009 - furniture, product design and architecture

Icelandic Design 2009 - furniture, product design and architecture



The aim is to look into three related fields that largely shape our manmade environment and see their interaction. This includes experimenting with context and how design becomes intertwined with human behaviour, from its involvement in how we organize time or quench our thirst, to defending us from natural disasters. The exhibition aims to showcase some of the best of Icelandic design today, with the focus on furniture and product design and architecture, in a broad sense.

Objects which are in production are on show, along with selected works of contemporary architecture. The work of about twenty designers are on show; participants are selected with a view to further promotion abroad and possible sales and production, and also with the aim of promoting Icelandic design and inventiveness, and along with them a positive image of Iceland as a whole. The aim of the exhibition is to present the best of Icelandic design – with respect to aesthetics, form, production and overall design – in a clear and informative manner. The intention is to demonstrate that Icelandic design and inventiveness should be taken seriously, and has a practical future; that Icelandic design is characterised by seriousness and good sense, where ideas are worked through in a professional manner, guided by an ideology which has an important contribution to make today. The design exhibition is accompanied by a presentation of new young designers, whose works have attracted attention.

This project is presented in collaboration with the newly-founded Aurora Design Fund. The exhibition is organized by the Iceland Design Centre in collaboration with Reykjavík Art Museum and is a part of  Reykjavík Arts Festival’s programme.

Sunday 12 July 3 p.m. Kjarvalsstaðir – Icelandic Design 2009
Curator’s talk by Elísabet V. Ingvarsdóttir.

Sunday 9 August 3 p.m. Kjarvalsstaðir – Icelandic Design 2009
Designers talk about their design products..

Images of exhibition

Images from opening



Elísabet V. Ingvarsdóttir
