Iceland Academy of the Arts graduation exhi­bition: Anchoring Ground

Iceland Academy of the Arts graduation exhibition: Anchoring Ground

Iceland Academy of the Arts graduation exhibition: Anchoring Ground



Iceland Academy of the Arts graduation exhibition 2016 - BA students in the Departments of Fine Art and Design and Architecture.

Eighty students fill the halls of the Reykjavík Art Museum with works that reflect learning, research and artistic creation during the last three years in two departments at the Academy. The largest group graduates from the Fine Art Department, or 32 students. From Graphic Design there are 17 studies, 15 in Architecture , 9 in Fashion Design and 7 in Product Design.

The exhibition stretches through the galleries and halls of the Harbour House, this time under the title of Anchoring Ground. It is borrowed from the eponymous book of poetry by Bragi Ólafsson from 1993. The anchoring ground is an indefinite place offshore, a provisional harbour, where ships cast anchor temporarily on their travels around the world. Students take over the Harbour House in a similar way, stopping for two weeks and then each will go their own way for further conquest. Numerous other students complete their studies at the Academy in the spring and they will present their projects on other platforms. There are students graduating at an MA level in Fine Art together with Design and Architecture and students who either graduate at BA or MA levels in the fields of Music, Performing Arts and Arts Education..



Markús Þór Andrésson