Gudjon Bjarnason - Exploding Meaning

Gudjon Bjarnason - Exploding Meaning

Gudjon Bjarnason - Exploding Meaning



The architect and artist Gudjon Bjarnason's exhibition EXplosions of MEaning features works in a variety of media, mostly made in the last year. On the first floor of the museum are 43 abstract pictures printed on synthetic canvas, some large and single, others grouped together. The subject of these canvases is the layering of different realities harmonically related to the unconscious working methods of the artists, images of the making of his sculptures and media images of contemporary explosions.

The museum courtyard  features a temporary installation of the work MurMur Woogie Desert, a four-ton piece made of exploded metal profiles of particular construction which is transported to the museum directly from the gravel pit near Reykjavik where it was exploded and recreated in the museum as it scattered in the explosion. The second floor of the museum holds sculptures, both single pieces and assembled exploded sculptures that cover the floor, walls and ceiling with hundreds of explosion fragments forming splintered but recognizable contexts. 

The exhibition is held at the invitation of the Reykjavik Art Museum and will then open at the Snug Harbour Museum on Staten Island at the end of June. From there it will go in November to a new contemporary art museum on Manhattan – iMoCA, International Museum of Contemporary Art. Gudjon has said of his art that they revolve around a self-achived state, space and things that have disintegrated and been irrevocably taken to the edge but retain the possibility of appearing whole in context in the mind of the viewer. The works are intended as a personal statement on meaning and the role of art in the present..

Images of exhibition