Figments of love and fastidious rese­arch on private lives.

Figments of love and fastidious research on private lives.

Figments of love and fastidious research on private lives.



They have been around, but have no complete picture of things. Either they get lost in details or they drift off into outer dimensions of the universe. All things human are of interest to them.

To understand yourself you have to watch what others do, but they know that to understand other people they have to look into their own hearts. Therefore they are totally self preoccupied. By elevating the ordinary and inflating the insignificant they try to increase their own value. Their curiosity is unlimited, and when they seem to be giving off themselves they are in fact gathering material for their artistic creations. They are concerned with grand feelings and vague sensations.

They are merciless in their observations, and look for traces in junk boxes as well as in fairy tales. They sense the hidden in the surface of things, the superficial in their depths, and despair in love. They convey figments of love and desire in their works of art. The real motive for their art is however to make a difference in the world..

Images of exhibition