The Exhi­bition Hall at Miklatun - Kjar­vals­stadir for 30 years

The Exhibition Hall at Miklatun - Kjarvalsstadir for 30 years

The Exhibition Hall at Miklatun - Kjarvalsstadir for 30 years



The Exhibition Hall at Miklatun  - Kjarvalsstadir for 30 years
Kjarvalsstadir, formally opened on March 24th 1973, celebrating its 30 anniversary this year. The aim of the exhibition is to take a look at the history of Kjarvalsstadir, the exhibitions and discussion about the building, its role, debates and chapters in its history from the beginning. Curated by Adalsteinn Ingolfsson, director of Design and Applied Art Museum of Iceland and Eirikur Thorlaksson, director of Reykjavík Art Museum..

Images of exhibition
