This exhibition is intended as an extension of the show Erró – Collage, also on display at Hafnarhús. Assemblage, a form of three-dimensional collage, first appears in Erró’s work in the series Mécamasks (1959) and in the props for the short film Mechanical Concerto for Madness, or the Mad Mechamorphosis (1962–1963) by Éric Duvivier. These works are composed of readymade objects and waste from industrial and bourgeois society.
They share the same artistic themes and intentions as the collage series Méca-make-up and Mécacollages (1959–1963) and speak to the artist’s desire to renew connections with everyday life and enable art to draw even closer to life.
After 1963, Erró has created assemblages only as a rare exception, the most memorable of which are the three monumental works that Erró made in 1998–2004 with the help of numerous schoolchildren in Réunion, a French island in the Indian Ocean. The works are all from the Museum's collection..