D17 Magnús Helgason

D17 Magnús Helgason

D17 Magnús Helgason



Works that are pleasing to the eye and go straight to the heart of the spectator are predominant in the mind of the artist Magnús Helgason. Magnús is the seventeenth artist to exhibit in the D-Gallery of Hafnarhús. His works are made up of a line of events which he slightly adjusts for the sake of the exposition.

Magnús Helgason graduated from AKI, Akademie voor beeldende kunst in Enchede in Holland in 2001. He has headed courses at LHÍ, exhibited his paintings and created several shows to the music of known music artists. Curated by Yean Fee Quay.

Sunday 19 September 3 p.m.
Hafnarhús – D17
Artist’s talk with Magnús Helgason..

Images of exhibition



Yean Fee Quay

