Birgir Snæbjörn Birg­isson – Blonde Miss World 1951 –

Birgir Snæbjörn Birgisson – Blonde Miss World 1951 –

Birgir Snæbjörn Birgisson – Blonde Miss World 1951 –



The idea and ideology behind the stereotype of the blonde have provided food for thought to painter
Birgir Snæbjörn Birgisson during the last decade. His newest series takes on the series of contests for the world’s most beautiful maiden - The Miss World contest was established in 1951, and Birgir Snæbjörn Birgisson has painted portraits of winning contestants from every year. A selection from the series of  Blonde Miss World made its debut appearance in Gautaborg in the summer 2007.

The complete series will be seen for the first time in Reykjavík and is scheduled to travel to London in 2008.

Guest Curator: Mika Hannula, writer, lecturer, curator and critic. Professor for Artistic Research at the Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Göteborg.

Guest curator Mika Hannula will be present during the opening of the exhibition, and he will be holding a conversation with the artist on Sunday, 18th November at 3 p.m., Kjarvalsstaðir.

Images of exhibition