29th March 2025, 11:00 to 17:00
The market will take place for the first time the weekend of March 29 - 30, at the Reykjavík Art Museum, Hafnarhús.
The Design Market is a platform that brings together different disciplines of design and architecture. Create for the public and designers alike, where you can find older stock that has ceased production, the last copies, prototypes and exhibition copies that have not been seen before. The public can come and get a "good deal" at the same time that designers get to clean up the stock and make room for new sources of the future!
Participants are:
66 norður, La Brujera, Yrúrarí, Artless, Another Creation, Mattería, Stúdíó Suð, Leirhildur, Óekta, Enduratakk, bybibi, Grugg&makk, Sunna Sigfríðsdóttir, Fluga Design, Kandís, Studio CH, ESJO, Glingling, Gosia Porazewska, Saja Artbein, Hönnun, Feldur, UMI skartgripir, Guðrúnu. Market & Visteyri
Visteyri.is has a special circular market within the market where Icelandic design of the highest quality will be the focus!
See you all!