"After his image" - When the Danes gave the Icelanders Thor­valdsen in 1874


"After his image" - When the Danes gave the Icelanders Thorvaldsen in 1874

"After his image" - When the Danes gave the Icelanders Thorvaldsen in 1874



A Forum on the occasion that in 2024 it will be 150 years since the City of Copenhagen gave Icelanders the statue of Bertel Thorvaldsen on the occasion of the nation's 1000th anniversary.

The work was the first outdoor work of art in Iceland and marked a turning point in the cultural history of the nation of Reykjavík. The year 1874 was also a turning point because the Danish king made his first visit to the country and the nation received its first constitution.


13:00 Ólöf Kristín Sigurðardóttir, director of Reykjavík Art Museum, welcomes guests. 13:05 Opening of the forum 13:10 Kira Kofoed, Museum inspector, Thorvaldsens Museum: Between art and politics – on the understated cosmopolitan rebel Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844). 13:30 Eiríkur G. Guðmundsson, historian and former national archivist: "The Danes could not have chosen a better gift for Iceland". 14:00 Break 14:20 Jón Karl Helgason, professor in the Department of Icelandic and Culture at the University of Iceland: Thorvaldsen as a national saint. 14:40 AlmaDís Kristinsdóttir, curator of the Einar Jónsson Art Museum: Artists' collections of the sculptors Einar Jónsson and Thorvaldsen 15:00 Sigurður Trausti Traustason, Head of Collections and Research, Reykjavík Art Museum: Development of art in Reykjavík's public spaces. 15:20 Panel discussion 15:40 Reception and light refreshments