Helena Margrét Jóns­dóttir

Helena Margrét Jónsdóttir

Helena Margrét Jónsdóttir (b. 1996) is a visual artist based in Reykjavík. She graduated from The Iceland University of the Arts in 2019 after having studied fine art at The Reykjavík School of Visual Arts and The Royal Academy of Art in Den Haag. Recent solo exhibitions include Liquida (2021) at Plan X Art Gallery in Milan, Italy and A Ghost of Another Ghost (2021) at Hverfisgallerí. Helena also participated in the group show What it Seems – Reality on Canvas at Kjarvalsstaðir in 2020.


D49 Helena Margrét Jónsdóttir


What it Seems – Reality on Canvas 1970-2020
